Congratulations, Your Life Sucks!
We have all felt like the universe is out to get us.
Those times where everything goes wrong, and continues to go wrong, and then six months go by and everything is STILL going wrong... (Just me? Oh.)
Why me?! Why now?! Why can't I catch a break?! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?
Here's the thing: we should be thanking the universe for those times.
These horrible things aren't happening TO us. They're happening FOR us.
Whether you believe that everything happens for a reason or not--these things are happening for you. To strengthen you. To prepare you for something incredible. Something that you wouldn't be prepared for had you not endured the crap that you're enduring right this second.
So be grateful for the extreme lows in your life. Be glad that life sucks. Soon, something fantastic will be making its way into your life and you will realize that whatever you went through was a positive thing. It was necessary. It was a prerequisite for this opportunity you're about to be given.
Things don't happen to us, they happen for us. Remember that.